Thermo Scientific™ Gallery™ Plus Beermaster Discrete Analyzer from Thermo Fisher Scientific

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Thermo Scientific™ Gallery™ Plus Beermaster Discrete Analyzer


Automate labor-intensive and time-consuming beer, cider, malt, and wort testing with the Thermo Scientific™ Gallery™ Plus Beermaster Discrete Analyzer. Using discrete cell technology, the analyzer simultaneously automates the determination of analytes including beta-glucan, FAN, and SO2 from the same sample. This enables fast turnaround and expansion of your laboratory’s analytical capabilities. The Bitterness Column Module (BCM) in the Gallery™ Plus Beermaster Discrete Analyzer enables unique automated pretreatment and measurement for bitterness. The discrete analyzer can accommodate 180 samples and 42 reagents in its separated sample and reagent disks, with the capacity to perform up to 350 tests/hour, and approximately 8 bitterness tests/hour with the BCM.